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EH22 Kampnagel

The Easterhegg is hosted by Kampnagel, a good opportunity to learn about the history of this place. During the tour of the site, your guide Katja will tell you how the crane factory became a cultural institution.

Factory hall

Kampnagelfabrik was founded in 1850 and was originally a steel construction company. The name “Kampnagel” comes from the owners at the time, who named the company after their surname. In the first decades of its existence, the company specialized in the construction of machines and systems, particularly in the field of railroad and ship technology.

Over the course of the 20th century, the factory underwent several changes of ownership and an expansion of the production areas. During the war years, the factory played a role in armaments production. After the end of the Second World War, however, production was switched to civilian products, but over time the industrial importance of the Kampnagel factory declined.

In the 1980s, the site began to develop from a purely industrial use into a cultural center. In 1982, the former factory site was taken over by the City of Hamburg and converted into a cultural venue. Today, Kampnagel is one of the most important cultural centers in Hamburg and plays a central role in the international and local art and culture scene.

It is a center for theater, dance, music, performance and visual arts. In addition to regular events, Kampnagel is also a venue for various festivals.

Kampnagel is an outstanding example of the successful transformation of an industrial site into a vibrant cultural center. The site is a fascinating example of the revitalization of historic buildings and their new use for the promotion of contemporary culture. The combination of history, architecture and modern culture makes Kampnagel a unique place in Hamburg.


  • Tours:
    • Tag 1 (18.4.) 17:00 Uhr
    • Tag 2 (19.4.) 16:00 Uhr
    • Tag 2 (19.4.) 17:30 Uhr
  • Duration: 1 Stunde
  • Language: Deutsch
  • Cost: 16,00 €
  • Meet at Hackertours Desk: wie oben angegeben.
  • Operator: Katja Kruse
  • Photo: Söhnke Rahn CC-BY-SA 3.0 via Wikipedia