
Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!

What are the Hackertours? The Hamburg team has sought out interesting locations in the city that will take you away from the catacombs of the Congress Center for a few hours, letting you experience exiting new things.

All ToursDirectly to the Ticket Shop

Hackertours Desk: DECT 8687 “TOUR”, +494057308308687, Foyer X next to the big clock


Last minute open seats

Because some people have to cancel on short notice, we often have one or two open seats. Come to the Hackertours Desk at the start time of the tour.

Hackertours for 38c3 – FAQ

What are the Hackertours? The Hamburg team has sought out interesting locations in Hamburg that will take you away from the catacombs for a few hours, letting you experience exiting new things. Here we explain how this works!