37c3 Hackertours

Welcome to HHackertours – your provider of sightseeing tours for technical enthusiasts!

What are the Hackertours? The Hamburg team has sought out interesting locations in the city that will take you away from the catacombs of the Congress Center for a few hours, letting you experience exiting new things.

All ToursDirectly to the Ticket Shop

Hackertours Desk: DECT 8687 “TOUR”, +494057308308687, Foyer X next to the big clock


Last minute open seats

Because some people have to cancel on short notice, we often have one or two open seats. Come to the Hackertours Desk at the start time of the tour.

Hackertours for 37c3 – FAQ

What are the Hackertours? The Hamburg team has sought out interesting locations in Hamburg that will take you away from the catacombs for a few hours, letting you experience exiting new things. Here we explain how this works!

AI Surveillance at Hansaplatz

Hansaplatz, near Hamburg Central Station, is the AI surveillance laboratory of the city. The Hamburg Police is experimenting with behavior recognition. Using a Fraunhofer Institute stick figure AI, passers-by were “digitally skinned” and analyzed. During this surveillance walk, we take a closer look at this project and demand the city stop this surveillance.

Cap San Diego

Cap San Diego is a general cargo ship built in 1961 that still is seaworthy and offers excursions. On our tour we will see the bridge as well as the engine room. An exhibition takes us back in time to worldwide shipping before the introduction of containers.

Electrum - The Museum of Electricity

The electrum is Hamburgs Museum of Electricity and Technology. Nothing works without electricity—for 130 years, electricity is part of our daily lives. You’ll find around one thousands technical devices from all ages in electrum, Hamburgs museum of electricity in Harburgs inner harbour.

Energy Bunker Wilhelmsburg

A beacon of the energy transition: For far too long, the old anti-aircraft bunker in Wilhelmsburg was an architectural eyesore. Today, the former wartime building is a globally unique example of the innovative use of renewable energy and a pioneer for other regional power plants around the world. The tour of the bunker shows the development from a wartime building to an innovative lighthouse project for the energy transition. Afterwards, you can enjoy the incomparable panoramic view over the city at Café vju.